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Mastering Maokai in ARAM: Tips for Success

Maokai is a powerful tank with a variety of abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with in ARAM. His passive, Sap Magic, allows him to store a percentage of the damage he takes as a resource, which he can then use to heal himself. This makes him incredibly durable in team fights, as he can sustain himself through a significant amount of damage. His Q ability, Bramble Smash, allows him to slam the ground, damaging and slowing enemies in a small area. This ability is great for initiating fights and disrupting the enemy team’s positioning. His W ability, Twisted Advance, allows him to target an enemy champion and root them in place while he dashes to them. This ability is great for locking down high priority targets and setting up kills for his team. His E ability, Sapling Toss, allows him to throw a sapling that will chase down enemies and explode, dealing damage in an area. This ability is great for poking and zoning enemies, as well as providing vision in bushes. Finally, his ultimate ability, Nature’s Grasp, allows him to summon a wall of thorns that travels across the map, damaging and rooting enemies it hits. This ability is great for engaging fights from a distance and controlling the enemy team’s movement.

Maokai’s abilities make him a versatile and powerful tank in ARAM, with the ability to initiate fights, lock down high priority targets, and sustain himself through significant amounts of damage. Understanding how to use each of his abilities effectively is crucial to mastering Maokai in ARAM.

Key Takeaways

  • Maokai’s abilities include Sap Magic, Bramble Smash, Twisted Advance, Sapling Toss, and Nature’s Grasp.
  • Building the right items for Maokai in ARAM involves prioritizing tanky items like Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage, and Thornmail.
  • Mastering Maokai’s combos and mechanics involves using Twisted Advance to engage, followed by Bramble Smash and Sapling Toss for damage and crowd control.
  • Positioning and map awareness with Maokai in ARAM is crucial for landing effective Nature’s Grasp ultimates and protecting teammates with Twisted Advance.
  • Teamfighting and engaging as Maokai in ARAM requires using Nature’s Grasp to initiate fights and peeling for teammates with Twisted Advance and Bramble Smash.
  • Tips for surviving and sustaining as Maokai in ARAM include using Sap Magic to heal, utilizing brush for surprise engages, and timing Nature’s Grasp for maximum impact.
  • Conclusion: Mastering Maokai in ARAM involves understanding his abilities, building the right items, mastering combos and mechanics, positioning and map awareness, teamfighting and engaging effectively, and surviving and sustaining in the heat of battle.

Building the Right Items for Maokai in ARAM

When it comes to building items for Maokai in ARAM, there are a few key items that are essential for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank. Starting with a Doran’s Shield can provide Maokai with some early sustain and durability in the laning phase. Building into items like Sunfire Aegis and Abyssal Mask can provide Maokai with additional tankiness and magic resistance, as well as some extra damage to help him contribute to team fights. These items also provide area of effect damage, which can help Maokai to effectively zone and control the enemy team in team fights. Building into items like Thornmail and Spirit Visage can provide Maokai with additional armor and magic resistance, as well as some extra sustain to help him survive through extended fights.

In addition to these core tank items, building into items like Gargoyle Stoneplate and Randuin’s Omen can provide Maokai with additional utility and crowd control, allowing him to effectively peel for his teammates and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning. Building items like Mercury’s Treads or Plated Steelcaps can also provide Maokai with additional crowd control reduction or armor, depending on the enemy team composition. Overall, building the right items for Maokai in ARAM is crucial for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank and enabling him to effectively control team fights.

Mastering Maokai’s Combos and Mechanics

Mastering Maokai’s combos and mechanics is crucial for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank in ARAM. One key combo to master is using his W ability, Twisted Advance, to target high priority enemies and lock them down with the root, allowing his team to follow up with damage and secure kills. This combo can be especially effective when coordinated with his team’s crowd control abilities, allowing them to chain their crowd control together for maximum effectiveness. Another key combo to master is using his Q ability, Bramble Smash, to initiate fights and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning, allowing his team to follow up with damage and secure kills. This combo can be especially effective when used to peel for his teammates or zone the enemy team away from key objectives.

In addition to mastering his combos, mastering Maokai’s mechanics is crucial for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank in ARAM. This includes understanding how to effectively position himself in team fights to soak up damage and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning, as well as how to effectively use his passive, Sap Magic, to sustain himself through extended fights. Mastering Maokai’s mechanics also includes understanding how to effectively use his ultimate ability, Nature’s Grasp, to engage fights from a distance and control the enemy team’s movement. Overall, mastering Maokai’s combos and mechanics is crucial for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank in ARAM.

Positioning and Map Awareness with Maokai in ARAM

Game Positioning Map Awareness
Game 1 Good Excellent
Game 2 Average Good
Game 3 Excellent Excellent

Positioning and map awareness are crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM. As a tank, Maokai needs to position himself effectively in team fights to soak up damage and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning. This includes understanding when to engage fights and when to peel for his teammates, as well as how to effectively use his crowd control abilities to lock down high priority targets. Additionally, map awareness is crucial for Maokai in ARAM, as it allows him to effectively control vision around key objectives and anticipate the enemy team’s movements.

In addition to positioning and map awareness, understanding how to effectively rotate around the map is crucial for Maokai in ARAM. This includes understanding when to push lanes and when to group with his team for team fights, as well as how to effectively control vision around key objectives like the health relics and the brush areas. Overall, positioning and map awareness are crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM.

Teamfighting and Engaging as Maokai

Teamfighting and engaging effectively are crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM. As a tank, Maokai needs to understand when to engage fights and when to peel for his teammates, as well as how to effectively use his crowd control abilities to lock down high priority targets. This includes understanding when to use his W ability, Twisted Advance, to target high priority enemies and lock them down with the root, allowing his team to follow up with damage and secure kills. Additionally, engaging effectively as Maokai requires understanding how to position himself in team fights to soak up damage and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning.

In addition to engaging effectively, understanding how to peel for his teammates is crucial for Maokai in ARAM. This includes understanding when to use his Q ability, Bramble Smash, to disrupt the enemy team’s positioning and peel for his teammates, as well as how to effectively use his ultimate ability, Nature’s Grasp, to control the enemy team’s movement and create opportunities for his team to follow up with damage. Overall, teamfighting and engaging effectively are crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM.

Tips for Surviving and Sustaining as Maokai in ARAM

Surviving and sustaining through extended fights is crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM. One key tip for surviving as Maokai is understanding how to effectively use his passive, Sap Magic, to store damage he takes as a resource that he can then use to heal himself. This allows him to sustain through significant amounts of damage in team fights and stay alive long enough to disrupt the enemy team’s positioning. Additionally, building into items like Spirit Visage can provide Maokai with additional sustain and healing, allowing him to survive through extended fights.

In addition to surviving and sustaining through extended fights, understanding how to effectively position himself in team fights is crucial for Maokai in ARAM. This includes understanding when to engage fights and when to peel for his teammates, as well as how to effectively use his crowd control abilities to lock down high priority targets. Overall, surviving and sustaining through extended fights is crucial for maximizing Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM.

Putting it All Together – Mastering Maokai in ARAM

Mastering Maokai in ARAM requires understanding his abilities, building the right items, mastering his combos and mechanics, positioning effectively on the map, teamfighting and engaging effectively, and surviving and sustaining through extended fights. By understanding how each of these aspects contributes to Maokai’s effectiveness as a tank in ARAM, players can maximize their impact on the game and contribute to their team’s success. With practice and dedication, players can master Maokai in ARAM and become a formidable force on the Howling Abyss.

Sure, here’s a paragraph mentioning a related article to Maokai ARAM:

If you’re looking to dominate in Maokai ARAM games, it’s essential to have the right items and strategies. One helpful resource is an article on that provides in-depth tips and tricks for playing Maokai in ARAM mode. The article covers everything from item builds to positioning and teamfighting tactics, making it a valuable read for any Maokai enthusiast. Check out the full article here to elevate your Maokai ARAM gameplay.


What is Maokai’s role in ARAM?

Maokai is a tanky champion with crowd control abilities, making him a strong frontline presence in ARAM. He can engage fights, peel for his teammates, and disrupt the enemy team with his abilities.

What are Maokai’s key abilities in ARAM?

Maokai’s abilities include Sap Magic (passive), Bramble Smash (Q), Twisted Advance (W), Sapling Toss (E), and Nature’s Grasp (R). These abilities allow him to sustain himself, engage fights, root enemies, and provide crowd control for his team.

What items are recommended for Maokai in ARAM?

Recommended items for Maokai in ARAM include tanky items such as Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, and Gargoyle Stoneplate. These items help him to be a durable frontline for his team.

How should Maokai be played in ARAM?

Maokai should focus on engaging fights, peeling for his teammates, and disrupting the enemy team with his crowd control abilities. He should also look to soak up damage for his team and provide vision control with his saplings.

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